
A busy day for the Foeth Logistics Team: Sending Mills to India

A trio of Bühler Three-Roll Mills is prepared to make it to India safely and securely!

With the sun shining bright, it's a beautiful day to be loading three Bühler Three-roll Mills and preparing them for their long trip across the globe! The Logistics Team at Foeth is busy lifting the mills and their various parts into the containers that will carry them all the way to India. Luckily, the team has access to an aerial work platform that was obtained from a recent plant-clearing project.

The Bühler mills have had quite the journey already. Acquired by Foeth in 2020 from a manufacturer located in the south of Germany, they first made their way to the Foeth premises in the Netherlands. Here, the Workshop team inspected, tested and cleaned them to ensure they would be in perfect shape to be redeployed. Sometime later they were sold to a customer in India, where they are now headed. The mills will travel by truck to Rotterdam harbor, from where they continue the journey to Asia over sea.

Navigating international shipping can be a complex process. Luckily, our Sales and Logistics teams are well-versed in handling the intricacies of shipping our equipment worldwide. Whether they are located in Europe, Asia, America or anywhere else, our customers can be ensured of fast and safe delivery of their purchased machines. Don't believe us? Ask Michel, who arranged the sale and shipment of the Three-roll Mills. He is more than happy to inform you how Foeth will get your desired equipment to you, no matter where you are!

Michel Terlouw

Michel Terlouw

Sales Manager