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Plant: Antibiotics production plant Kundl

General information

Plant type: Antibiotics production plant
Industry: Pharmaceutics
Year built: 1994
Location: Kundl, Austria
Plant size: 1,000 m²

Background information

The equipment in this plant had to make place for a larger production capacity. A big challenge for this project were the 27 active production facilities around the plant. Because of this, minimizing disruption and working at the highest safety level was the main key for the dismantling activities. All 300 machines located in the plant were dismantled and shipped by the end of 2022 and were then processed in our own workshop in the Netherlands. The location has been turned over empty to the seller, and the machines have been added to our stock. Equipment still available from this plant can be found below.

If you have any questions about this project or if you have a clearing project of your own that you would like to talk about, please feel free to contact any of our project experts. In addition, you can always send an email to and they will get back to you!

Stefan Modderman

Stefan Modderman


Frank Beniers

Frank Beniers

Senior International Project Manager