Pharmatec GmbH 120 Ltr mobile - NEW

Reattore in acciaio inox

  • General
  • SKULT007
  • PosizioneGermania
  • FarePharmatec GmbH/ Syntegon Technology / Pepperl+Fuchs
  • TipoSolvent Tank
  • No12474
  • Nuovo2021
  • Pressure
  • Pressione di esercizio3 Bar
  • Vuoto possibilecheck
  • Camicia di pressione di lavoro6 Bar
  • Vuoto possibile camiciacheck
  • Main Features
  • MaterialeAcciaio inox
  • Volume120 litri
  • Specified Features - Reattore in acciaio inox
  • MaterialeAcciaio inox 1.4404 (316L)
  • Reattori in acciaio inox
  • Reattorecheck
  • Capacità120 Ltr (150 Ltr)
  • Dimensioni del recipientedia.492 x672mm
  • Fondo bombatocheck
  • Lato superiore svasatocheck
  • UscitaG1"
  • Con giacca(21,0 Ltr, 1,02 M2)
  • Temperatura massima-10/95 Degr.C.
  • Con agitatore a elica"Magnetic ZETA, Type BMRT 50 W EX S Dk"
  • Motore(Ex)
  • Albero di miscelazione della velocità125-860 rpm
  • Information
  • Con interruttorecheck
  • Altezza totale+/- 1.5 M2
  • CEcheck
  • Montato su gambe"mobile skid"
  • Con interruttorecheck
  • Compatibile con ATEXcheck
  • Specifiche extra

Informazioni aggiuntive

The tank is equipped with a pressure gauge, temperature sensor and level switches, valves (manually or pneumatically operated) including safety valves. Additionally, a pH sensor and a level measurement device and sight glass light  are installed. The tank is provided with a cooling jacket and temperature control.

-System connections for product inlet and outlet, Nitrogen or Process air, waste air via inlet nozzle, CIP system, Electrical connections/ power supply, Control system, Cooling water

- Vessel inside electropolished Ra<0,8μm

- The unit is designed acc. to GMP guidelines, easy to clean (no corners, edges, holes, deadspaces).

-The system is realized as standalone system with SIMATIC data exchange (S7-S7 coupling).

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