Apaco AG Reactor LIVA-R3

Reattore in acciaio inox

  • General
  • SKU329T876
  • PosizioneBarneveld
  • FareApaco
  • TipoReactor LIVA-R3
  • No524340
  • Nuovo2016
  • Pressure
  • Pressione di esercizio2 Bar
  • Vuoto possibilecheck
  • Camicia di pressione di lavoro6 Bar
  • Vuoto possibile camiciacheck
  • Main Features
  • MaterialeAcciaio inox
  • Volume536 litri
  • Motore1.1 KW
  • Specified Features - Reattore in acciaio inox
  • Reattorecheck
  • Capacità536 Ltr.
  • Dimensioni del recipientedia. 800x1140 mm
  • Fondo bombatocheck
  • Connessioni superioriDN80, DN25
  • UscitaDN50
  • Con giacca106 Ltr.
  • Temperatura massima0-50 °C
  • Con agitatore ad ancoracheck (riboon stirrer)
  • Motore1,1 kW
  • Albero di miscelazione della velocità39 rpm
  • Reattori in acciaio inox
  • MaterialeAcciaio inox 1.4404, Acciaio inox 1.4462 (Duplex2205)
  • Information
  • Montato su gambecheck
  • Con interruttorecheck(as is)
  • Peso1100 + 320 kg
  • CEcheck
  • Superficie del pavimento1,0 m
  • Altezza totale2,90 m
  • Specifiche extra

Informazioni aggiuntive

mechanical seal: EagleBurgmann, type: TS1016/A007-00, volume shell: 8 Ltr, volume tube: 0,2 Ltr., allow pressure shell and tube: 16 bar, test pressure shell and tube: 28 bar, allowable temperature: -60/200 °Cpump (Ex): EagleBurgmann, type: SPU5000-D0, max. pressure: 40 bar, max. temperature: 100 °C, capacity: 14 Ltr./min., motor: 0,12 kW, 230-400 Volt (Ex)valve: KFM Regelungstechniekwith E-CTFE Halar coating - this coating has very good electric insulation properties. At room temperature, the mechanical properties are comparable to those of nylon 6. ECTFE has very good values for impact resistance at low temperatures and room temperature: the application ranges from cryogenic temperatures to 150°C. ECTFE shows good chemical resistance and little permeation. The resistance to weather conditions of any kind and radioactive radiation is excellent. ECTFE is one of the best fluoropolymers with regard to abrasion resistance.

Attention! This stainless steel reactor is one of a three-reactor system. The other two reactors can be found under the SKU number: 329T874 and 329T875. For the entire system, there is also a control cabinet: 329T1396.

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