Showcase Teknosnews

Plant: HG Cleaning products site Almere

General information

Plant type: Production site for cleaning products/detergents
Industry: Chemical production
Year built: 1997
Location: Almere, Netherlands
Previous owner: HG International
Plant size: 14 588 m²
Output: Over 300 different cleaning products

Background information

HG, a well-known producer of various cleaning products and detergens, stopped production at the site in Almere, the Netherlands. The last line stopped producing in February 2023 and all the equipment had to be removed before the 31 May 2023.

A total of 600 machines had to be cleared out of the plant, divided over a variety of bottle moulding, filling, labelling and packaging lines. Foeth succesfully made sure all the equipment was sold directly from the plant or taken into our own stock and moved to our premises in Barneveld, the Netherlands. Watch the video below for an impression of the clearing process.

Are you closing down a plant and want to give the clearing project out of hands? Trust the Foeth Program to ensure your plant is delivered cleared and cleaned, and your machines live on in a different production process. For any questions, contact Andrej Pieterson or Frank Beniers, both experienced in the professional execution of projects. They were closely involved in the execution of the HG project and would happily tackle your plant clearing challenges!

Stefan Modderman

Stefan Modderman


Frank Beniers

Frank Beniers

Senior International Project Manager