Rutz DN-400

Falling film evaporator

  • General
  • SKU023C129
  • LocationBarneveld
  • Pressure
  • Working pressure6 Bar
  • Vacuum possiblecheck
  • Working pressure vapour evaporator6 Bar
  • Main Features
  • Surface12.5 m2
  • Specified Features - Falling film evaporator
  • Falling film evaporator(1x)
  • Heating surface12,5 m2
  • Tube capacity120 Ltr
  • Number of tubes:34
  • Tube diameter40mm
  • Tube length3000mm
  • Shell capacity210 Ltr
  • Max. temperature140 Degr. C.
  • Capacityvessel 550 Ltr
  • With jacket(coil), Capacity 10 Ltr
  • MaterialStainless steel 1.4571 (316Ti)

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